Chemistry: Behavior of Gases

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Behavior of Gases

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1. gas1_A sample of a gas occupies a voluem of 0.6dm3 at temperature of 430K and at atmospheric pressure. What will be the voluem of the gas at 430K and at 507mmhg [atm pressure=760mmhg]

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2. gas1_A substance has boiling point of 4 degree celcius. If the room temperature is 25 degree celcius , the substance is likelty to be

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3. gas1_Which of the following is not correct about the kinetic theory of gases

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4. gas1_A gas sample with initial volume of 3.25dm3 is heated and allowed to expand to 9.75dm3 at constant pressure . What is the ratio of the final absolute temperature to the initial absolute temperature

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5. gas1_Which of the following statements is NOT correct?

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6. gas1_What are the two variables that determine th volume of a fixed mass of gas

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7. gas1_which of the following is not correct about an air-filled balloon placed in hot water

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8. gas1_A mass of gas has Pressure P1 and volume V1 . If the Pressure of the container is increased. Which of the following will occur

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9. gas1_the mathematical equation for charles' low is

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10. gas1_which of the following is not correct

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11. gas1_273K is equal to

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12. gas1_Which of the following statements is correct about intermolecular distances and cohesive forces between gas respectively? They are

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13. gas1_which of the following is not correct.

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14. gas1_Which of the following is the boyle's law

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15. gas1_Which of the following is not a physical property of gases

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16. gas1_Zero degree celcius is equal to

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17. gas1_which of the following characteristics determines the direction of diffusion or flow of gases

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18. gas1_An ideal gas with Pressure P1 and Volume P1 is subjected to pressure P2 at constant temperature. Which of the following is correct about the behavior of the gas

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19. gas1_Which of the following is one of the well defined states in which matter occur

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20. gas1_Convert temperature of 27 degree celcius to Kelvin

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21. gas1_What is the teperature of a given mass of gas initially at 0 degree celsius and 9 atmosphere, If the pressure reduces to 3 atmosphere at constant volume

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22. gas1_The volume of a fixe mass of gas measured at atmospheric pressure nad 27 degree celsius is 3.0dm3. Calculate the volume at 127 degree celsius

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23. gas1_An oxide XO2 has a vapour density of 32. What is the atomic mass of X

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24. gas1_A certain mass of gas occupies 330cm3 at 27 degree celsius and 9.0x 104 Nm-2. Calculate its volume at S.T.P (Standard pressure= 1.0 x105 Nm-3

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25. gas1_The temperature of a gas is 57 degree Celsius at what temperature will its original volume be halved while the pressure is tripled

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26. gas1_Which of the following correctly represents the mathematical equation for the general gas equation

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27. gas1_convert temperature of 280K to Celcius

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28. gas1_which of the following is not correct about absolute zero temperature point

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29. gas1_the value of absolute zero temprature is

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30. gas1_A car tyre was inflated to pressure of P. after driving a long distance on a sunny day ,what will happen to the pressure

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31. gas1_A substance that has boiliing point below room temperature is

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32. gas1_which of the following is charles' law

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33. gas1_1 atmosphere pressure is equal to

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34. gas1_Which of the following is not correct about the kinetic theory of gases

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35. gas1_which of the following correctly represents boyle's law, where K is constant , V is volume and P is pressure

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36. gas1_Which of the following is correct about an inflated air-filled balloon placed in hot water

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37. gas1_A mass of gas occupies 100cm3 at 1.0x 105Nm-2, what will be the volume of the gass at 0.5x 105Nm-2. If the temperature remains constant

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38. gas1_The pressure a gas exerts when it is alone in a container is called its

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39. gas1_A gas measures 1dm3 at a temperature of 27 oC and 300mmhg. To what temperature must the gas be heated when the pressure rises to 480mmhg for the volume to remain unchanged

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40. gas1_The basic assumption in the kinetic theory of gases that the collisions of the gaseous molecules are perfectly elastic implies that the?

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41. gas1_A gas exerts pressure on its container because?

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42. gas1_The ratio of initial to final pressure of a gas is 1:1.5 calulate the final volume if the initial volume was 300cm3

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43. gas1_the value of standard temperature and pressure (S.T.P) are

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44. gas1_The molecules of gas have different kinds of motion, which of the following is not one of them

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45. gas1_When air is compressed?

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46. gas1_To what temperature must a gas at 273K be heated in order to double its volume and pressure

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47. gas1_the ability of gases to change to liquid under high pressure and low temperature is

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48. gas1_Which of the following is not true about the Kinetic theory of a fixed mass of gas

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49. gas1_Which of the following does not explain why an increase in temperature of a gas of fixed volume results in increase pressure

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50. gas1_A gas placed in a container collides with the wall of the container at a frequency 'F'. If the volume of the container reduces by half and the temperature remains constant. Which of the following will occur

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