Genetics 2

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Created by Agodirin

Genetics & Variation 2

There are 50 multiple choice questions in this MCQ. The pass mark is 90%. Best of Luck

1 / 50

1. The number of chromosomes in each somatic cell is

2 / 50

2. Which of the following is not correct about albinism

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3. Which of the following is correct about a recessive allele

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4. If XN is the dominant allele for color blindness and Xn is the recessive allele. A boy with chromome YXn will be

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5. The probability of being a boy or girl depends on the

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6. Sex-linked traits are located on

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7. Aman with a normal haemoglobin (AA) marries a woman who has sickle-cell haemoglobin (SS).They have a child who has sickle-cell trait. Which of the following genotypes could be associated with the childโ€™s haemoglobin ?

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8. The first four children of a couple were girls, the probability of the 5th being a girl is

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9. In a mendelian cross of red and white plant, the exhibition of incomplete dorminance in the off-spring will give

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10. A man who is heterozygous for hemophillia marries a woman who is double recessive, what percentage of their children will have hemophilia

11 / 50

11. A gene which expresses itself only in the homozygous condition is

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12. A man who is a carrier of hemophilia trait marries a woman who is homozygous recessive, what percentage of their children will have hemophilia

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13. The sex-linked defect in which very slight cuts produce severe bleeding is known as:

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14. A yellow maize is planted, and all the fruits obtained have yellow seeds. When they are cross-bred, yellow seeds and white seeds are obtained in a ratio of 3:1. The yellow seed is said to be:

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15. The DNA molecule is a chain of repeating

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16. Which of the following is monohybrid cross

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17. An accurate identification of an offender(for example a rapist) can be carried out by

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18. The F1 of a cross between a tall and a dwarf plant was tall. The F1 was advanced to F2. How many of 120 F2 plants will be dwarf?

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19. A cross where only one characteristic is considered is refered to as

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20. The basic point of impact which leads to mutation is

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21. The ratio of carriers to sicklers in the F1 generation derived from a parental cross of two carriers of the hemoglobin S gene is:

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22. If the Allelel for baldness is Bb, a female carrier will have what chromosome

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23. In the gene locus for eye colour in humans, the allele for brown eyes is dominant over the allele for blue eyes. If a homozygous brown-eyed girl has a brother with blue eyes, what are the likely phenotypes of their parentsโ€™ eye colour?

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24. The inheritable characters that are determined by a gene located on the X- chromosome is

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25. The biological factor that is unique to all individual is

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26. Both recessive and dominant characters are found on

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27. A tall plant crossed with a dwarf plant produces offspring of which half are tall and half are dwarf. What are the genotypes of the parents?

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28. When two parents are carriers of albinism gene, how many of their off-springs will be albinos

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29. A feature associated with Y chromosome in humans

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30. If R and r denote the genes for a character, the offspring of the cross between RR and Rr are:

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31. if a DNA stran has base sequence AGT, the complementary strand must be

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32. The correct ordering of the hereditary material based on size is

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33. A man with blood group A is married to a woman with blood group A. Which of the following group combinations is possible if the family has three children?

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34. If a womanโ€™s genotype is Tt Qq Rr, what would be the gene content of her eggs?

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35. A mammal with red fur and long ears was crossed with another having white fur and short ears. If the offspring had red fur and short ears, then

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36. If a DNA strand has base sequence ACT, the complementary stand must be

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37. People with sickle-cell anaemia have haemoglobin:

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38. The character producing factors in living organisms are

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39. A man an his wife are heterozygous for sickle cell trait, the percentage of their children that will be carriers or sicklers will be

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40. Which of the following is sex linked

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41. A dog lost its tail in an accident, if it crosses another dog with normal tail, how many of the puppies will be born without tail

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42. The hereditary material of the cell is:

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43. Which of the following is true of the children of a hemophilic man who marries a woman that is not hemophilic and does not carry the trait?

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44. Which of the following is a discontinuous variation

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45. A man who has the trait for color blindness marries a normal woman. What percentage of their children would be sufferers, carriers, and normal respectively?

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46. Which of the following will result from a cross between Yy and Yy

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47. If a plant, homozygous for round and yellow (RR;YY), is crossed with a wrinkled green type (rr;yy), all of the resulting seeds will be

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48. A colorblind man marrier a carrier woman, what percentage of their children will be colorblind

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49. Women do not suffer color bilindness because

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50. If a dark-skinned woman (Bb) marries an albino man (bb) and they have four children, how many of the children will be dark-skinned?